Monday, October 18, 2010

All About the Bling

Every dating girl spends countless hours researching, pricing, and daydreaming about that pride left hand possession. Criers, screamers, and jumpers alike all have the same temporary euphoria when they catch the first glimpse of that gleaming beauty.
            But girls, let’s be honest: to any boy ring business is nothing more than “blah, blah, blah.”  They have never, not once, caught themselves daydreaming about what shiny piece of metal will become an addition to their wardrobe. They replace a woman’s want list of size, shape, and sparkle, with simplicity and comfort.
Their list, although easier on the pocket book, is always made out to be an impossible feat by the female. As women, we have this insatiable desire to buy our men the most expensive, unique rings in the store. We care not that they will, at some point, misplace it, if not lose it altogether. We want to be creative and thoughtful in our purchases, failing to realize that our one-of-a-kind finds, are often the arch enemies of our beloved beaus.
Granted, some men like their rings to be flashy with diamonds, two-toned, or uniquely designed, but 9 times out of 10, these pricy additions cancel out their one standing requirement: comfort. So girls, here’s my advice: a happy man is a man who gets to have his say. So, buy him the plain titanium band he’s been asking for. Personalize the inside if you wish, but this way, he has a ring he’s happy with, and lost or stolen, you’re only out 100 bucks. Now that is bang for your buck.

See something you like? Leave me a comment,  and let me know how you found your man's ring!

1 comment:

  1. I know that I am not getting married, and I'm not really looking. However, I was once given a gift of a ring. It was a large gold ring with an eagle on it! I hated it. Just saying...I'd always take a comfortable, simple ring over the alternative. A huge eagle on my hand.
