Monday, November 8, 2010

A Viral Invite

Many today are hailing the benefits of the online world. In relation to weddings, the internet has supposedly opened up the possibility of eliminating shopping and planning related stress. Although I agree that the internet can eliminate unnecessary headaches, here are 3 reasons why online invites are the greatest headache of all.
  1.         First of all, online invites are impersonal. Although it may save money to send them electronically, it takes away from the personality of the bride and groom. Guests are also much more likely to forget about your big day if they don't have that physical reminder hanging on the fridge.
  2.        The second reason not to send electronic invites is because of the hassle to RSVP. Many wedding guests will be elderly and not particularly savvy when it comes to electronic mediums. You will end up having twice as many guests as you anticipated because no guest over the age of 50 will have known how to open the invitation.
  3. Finally, my last reason has to do with the occasional but highly impactful glitches that come with using technology. Due to no fault of your own, you entire "friends list" on Facebook could receive an invite to your big day, while many of your relatives never received word of the blessed event. Miscalculations and mass invites are the most common glitches in this type of invitation. But think of it this way, if your parents don't show up you could always have your dentist give you away.
The bottom line is, if you want the closest people to you to be invited, and to know for a fact that they are coming, traditional invitations are foolproof. However, if saving money is your "it-factor", e-vites are probably the choice for you.

My best advice: Do your research. A little knowledge goes a long way. For more information on electronic invitations look into and keep following my Do's and Don'ts!

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